Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Affordably Gluten Free

"Affordably gluten free?" I know this is sounds like an oxymoron. However, Yes, you can make meals that are healthy, delicious, gluten free and that will fit into your budget!

This morning I was at my local Stewarts Shop, when hunger hit. Immediately options started flashing through my mind. I wanted something delicious, substantial and I only had a $5.00 bill on me.

I grabbed a dozen brown eggs, walked past the frozen food section and Ah Ha! Jones sausage patties! Perfect, delicious, certified gluten free and only $2.49. I cashed out and headed home.

I placed a small pot of water on high heat, added a touch of sea salt, and covered the pot.

A great product to keep on hand are frozen asparagus spears. I took out 4 frozen asparagus spears and placed in a dry stainless steel pan on medium heat. Add just a touch of water and one frozen Jones sausage patty.

Once the little pot of water was boiling, I quickly added a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a raw egg. Almost immediately, I gently used a spoon to release the egg from the bottom of the pot. I cook a large egg for about 2 minutes.

If you indulge in this simple delicious meal, place the piping hot sausage patty and asparagus on your plate. Using a slotted spoon to remove the egg from the boiling water, and place on top of the sausage. Sprinkle dill on top and viola! Breakfast is served!

The total cost per person for this dish is just under $1.00! How does it all add up?

1 egg:                                        $0.19
1 Jones Sausage:                       $0.42
4 frozen asparagus spears:        $0.08
   sprinkle of dill                        $0.05

Total food cost per person:     $0.71         

Warmest Regards & Happy Cooking,



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